Is Plant Protein Good for Cats?
Vegan and vegetarian diets can work wonders for human health but think twice before enforcing your dietary preferences on your cat. Protein is a critical component of a balanced feline diet and some types of...
Want to walk into the vet’s office feeling confident and well-prepared? Explore our cat health archives to learn about symptoms, diagnoses, medications, and more.
To ensure that everything you see here is accurate and up-to-date, our health guides are either vet-written or vet-reviewed. Scroll down to start browsing.
Vegan and vegetarian diets can work wonders for human health but think twice before enforcing your dietary preferences on your cat. Protein is a critical component of a balanced feline diet and some types of...
Scratching is, unfortunately, part and parcel of having a cat. It is a natural cat behavior and sometimes your cat might not understand what they can or cannot scratch. When they use their claws on...
As one of the major ‘superfoods’ that nature has to offer, coconut oil can be beneficial for humans in a number of ways for everything from cooking to treating dry skin, to even boosting immune...
Whether you use incense for meditation, to relax, or just to make your home smell nice, it’s important to consider the safety aspects as well. A committed cat parent cares about keeping cats safe and...
Intestinal cancer is a relatively uncommon form of cancer in cats, accounting for only a small percentage of all feline cancer cases. That’s good news because, when intestinal cancer does occur, it is a serious...
Insulin is the main treatment for diabetes mellitus in cats. Insulin is given by injection—usually twice daily—under the skin, using a thin needle or a special VetPen. While giving your cats injections can seem daunting,...
Cats are very curious creatures, which sometimes gets the better of them. Any kind of creepy crawly bug that flies or jumps can be of great interest. Unfortunately, sometimes bees, wasps, and other insects sting...
Scientific language is designed to make the world a less offensive, more sanitised place. If I told you that Eddy, the cat in the picture, had IBD, you might think “that sounds interesting - I...
Hyperthyroidism is a very common condition in cats, especially over the age of ten years old. What and Where Are the Thyroid Glands? The thyroid glands are small structures, located halfway up the neck in...
A swollen paw is one of the more common ailments that cats can suffer from. This article aims to explain the possible reasons for a swollen paw, and explain to cat carers the best way...