100 Yellow Cat Name Ideas With Meanings for Your Little Sunshine

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Beautiful cream tabby cat with green eyes.

galsand / Shutterstock.com

Yellow represents joy, wealth, bravery, and energy, all things we want for our sweet cats. This color also brings to mind sunny summer weather, smiley face stickers, and long days at the beach. In this list, we have 100 yellow cat names with meanings.

Names for Yellow Cats

First, let’s start with names for “yellow” cats, also known as buff tabbies or dilute orange cats. All of the names below are specifically inspired by these cats and their cream coloring. Most orange or cream-colored cats are males, but nearly 20% are female, so we have a mix of names for both.

  • Simba – The main character from The Lion King is very similar in color to a cream tabby cat.
  • Nala – Simba’s love interest.
  • Buffy – As in “buff tabby.”
  • Goldie – These sweet cats are golden yellow.
  • Golda – A more feminine version of Goldie.
  • Golden – Another way to describe their beautiful coats.
  • Bee – For your sweet little honey bee.
  • Bumble – Round, fuzzy, and absolutely perfect.
  • Finch – A little yellow bird.
  • Winnie – Winnie the Pooh is a loveable yellow bear.
  • Leo – This name means “lion.”
  • Sandy – For cats with fur the color of sand.
  • Blondie – What better way to describe their light fur?
  • Bowie – This name means “yellow haired.”
  • Blane – A Scottish name that means “yellow.”
  • Saffron – Produces a yellow dye.
  • Aurelia – A Latin name that means “the golden one.”
  • Oriana – Derived from the Latin word for “gold.”
  • Rosaura – A Spanish name that combines the words rosa and aurea to mean “golden rose.”
  • Autumn – Leaves turn yellow in the fall.
  • Sparky – A yellow spark of light.
  • Treasure – Treasure is golden and very valuable, just like your new kitten.
  • Birdy – Many birds are yellow in color.
  • Tweety – After Tweety bird from The Looney Tunes.
  • Summer – We associate summer with joy and sunshine.
  • Verdin – A little yellow bird.
  • Vera – An Albanian name that means “summer.”
  • Dolly – Name your yellow cat after the famously blonde Dolly Parton.
  • Milo – This is one of the most popular names for cats.
  • Pumpkin – Pumpkins come in a variety of colors, including a pale yellow.
  • Cheery – After the joy your yellow cat will bring to your life.
  • Merry – This is also the name of a popular cat from the game Animal Crossing.

Yellow Cat Names Inspired by the Sun and Stars

A gray cat and a cream-colored cat chase a toy across hardwood flooring.

Nils Jacobi / Shutterstock.com

These names are inspired by the bright yellow sun and stars. Many of them are very popular names for cats of any color, including yellow cats.

  • Sunny – For a happy-go-lucky cat.
  • Sunshine – Kittens bring joy and happiness to our lives, like sunshine.
  • Blaze – Like the stars blazing bright in the sky.
  • Star – For your little one that shines brightly.
  • Soleil – A French name that means “sun.”
  • Ember – The last bit of light from a fire before it goes out.
  • Ash – Ruins after a fire or a cat that leaves destruction in their wake.
  • Phoenix – A fire bird that rises from its own ashes, living eternally.
  • Apollo – The god of the sun in Greek mythology.
  • Cyra – A Persian name that means “sun” and “throne.”
  • Nova – A brand new star.
  • Celeste – A French and Italian name that means “heavenly.”
  • Lyra – A small constellation that contains one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
  • Aster – A Latin name meaning “star.”
  • Orion – One of the easiest constellations to see in the sky.
  • Aries – A constellation and the April zodiac sign.
  • Cosmo – This name means “world” or “universe.”
  • Alba – Latin for “bright” or “shining one.”
  • Cyrus – Persian for “sun.”
  • Marisol – “Sea and sun” in Spanish.

Yellow Cat Names Inspired by Flowers

A buff tabby sits with yellow flowers.

Inna_Kandybka / Shutterstock.com

Next up are some cute cat names inspired by yellow flowers. These are mostly female cat names but can also be used for any worthy feline.

  • Daffodil – A yellow, star-shaped flower. Call them Daffy for short!
  • Daisy – A dainty flower with a yellow center.
  • Marigold – Flowers that are beautiful and easy to grow.
  • Lily – These flowers represent good luck in some cultures.
  • Chrysanthemum – A symbol of health and longevity.
  • Dahlia – The national flower of Mexico.
  • Tulip – Yellow tulips represent strength and happiness.
  • Buttercup – Yellow wildflowers.
  • Zinnia – These plants are related to sunflowers.
  • Iris – This flower name can also be given to cats with stunning eyes as a double meaning.
  • Rose – A thorned bush with beautiful blooms.
  • Primrose – Hardy plants with clusters of flowers.
  • Dandelion – Strong yellow flowers named after lions.
  • Sunflower – These flowers turn to face the sun as it moves in the sky.
  • Poppy – An ancient flower that has grown since 2700 BCE.

Yellow Cat Names Inspired by Gemstones

These unique names take inspiration from yellow gemstones and are perfect for buff tabbies, happy cats, or any cat that brings joy to your life. Yellow gemstones are symbolic of hope and clarity. They’re said to help enlighten you and show you what’s important in life.

  • Amber – Said to bring courage and luck.
  • Citrine – A symbol of wealth and good fortune.
  • Beryl  – Golden beryl, also known as yellow emerald, is said to promote productivity.
  • Scorpio – The zodiac sign of November. The November birthstone is yellow topaz.
  • Topaz – A sweet name to pair with Scorpio.
  • Jasper – Yellow jasper is said to be uplifting.
  • Copper – Copper brings positive energy.

Yellow Cat Names Inspired by Foods

An orange and white cat sleeps holding a banana.

pp1 / Shutterstock.com

These names include many male cat names, as well as many that are gender-neutral. Food names are some of the most popular cat names for good reason—they’re just too adorable.

  • Lemon – Despite their sour taste, the surname Lemon in English actually means “sweetheart.”
  • Lemondrop – An even sweeter lemon name.
  • Ginger – A great orange cat name that also fits for cream-colored cats.
  • Mustard – As a name, Mustard can refer to someone with a sharp tongue or maybe sharp claws!
  • Mango – This tropical fruit symbolizes love and wealth.
  • Honey – For a cat who’s as sweet as can be.
  • Chip – For a cat who’s the color of potato chips.
  • Pepper – While often associated with black cats due to the spice, fresh bell peppers can also be yellow.
  • Durian – A spikey fruit from Southeast Asia.
  • Apple – A symbol of wisdom.
  • Jack – After jackfruit, which is yellow inside.
  • Cheddar – Like cheddar cheese, which might just be one of your cat’s favorites.
  • Chickpea – A pale-colored bean.
  • Nacho – The chips are a tan color, and the cheese is yellow.
  • Banana – A popular yellow fruit.
  • Butterscotch – A candy made from butter.
  • Cashew – A type of nut.
  • Peanut – This name can refer to a tiny cat.
  • Custard – A sweet snack.
  • Marmalade – A jam made of citrus fruits.
  • Noodle – A quirky name for your cat.
  • Pancake – For your round little kitten!
  • Biscuit – When cats knead, we often say they’re “making biscuits.”
  • Cheeto – A brand of chips.
  • Dumpling – An affectionate pet name.

Whether you’re looking for boy cat names or girl cat names for your kitty, we hope you were able to find plenty of cute names on this list. Have fun searching for a yellow-inspired cat name or a name for a yellow cat!

About Katelynn Sobus

Katelynn is a freelance pet content writer who has written a variety of pet articles, including breed portfolios and care guides. She uses her experience as a lifelong pet owner to write expert content about cats, dogs, and small pets.