250 Witchy & Magical Cat Names

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Are you looking for a witchy or magical name for your cat? Did you just adopt a black cat or just want something unique?

Whatever the reason for the name we have a lot of options. From funky, and historical to TV shows and movies we have the perfect name for your feline friend.

Magical Male Cat Names

Circe – Homer’s Odyssey.

  • Aleister – A mystic famous for his controversial writings.
  • Archimedes – The name of Merlin’s owl.
  • Aswang – A Filipino sorcerer and shape shifter who feeds on human flesh.
  • Baba – A Bulgarian psychic, who it is claimed predicted world events.
  • Bajang – Male equivalent of the Pelesit, the Malaysian familiar in the form of a grasshopper or cricket.
  • Balthasar – He was one of the three Magi that visited the newborn baby Jesus.
  • Bane – Can be a curse, scourge, or poison that typically causes death.
  • Bombay – Bewitched, Dr. Bombay.
  • Bruxo – Spanish origin meaning “warlock”.
  • Cayce – A well-known healer, clairvoyant, and Spiritualist.
  • Circe – Homer’s Odyssey.
  • Daemon – Demon.
  • Gandalf – One of the most popular wizards in literary history from “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit.”
  • Geller – A magician who bent spoons with his mind.
  • Goth – Those who wear all black and considered mysterious.

Gandalf – One of the most popular wizards in literary history from “Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit.”

  • Grimalkin – The witches’ cat in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.
  • Imp – Small goblins with mischievous nature.
  • Incantrix – Latin origin meaning “witch”.
  • Kijo – Japanese for “witch”.
  • Kit – The name of the Siamese cat from the famous drama series ‘Charmed’.
  • Koldun – Russian origin meaning “warlock”.
  • Loki – A Norse god who is known to be a trickster.
  • Lucifer – Another name for the devil or demon.
  • Majo – Japanese alternative for “witch”.
  • Necromantis – Greek origin meaning “warlock”.
  • Nimue – A witch from the story of King Arthur.
  • Nostradamus – Predicted the future and wrote books about it.
  • Prospero – The Tempest.
  • Raven – A messenger of the gods and seen as a symbol of bad luck.
  • Revel – A noisy celebration.

Nostradamus – Predicted the future and wrote books about it.

  • Rhine – A researcher of ESP, mental telepathy and psychic abilities.
  • Rune- Stones bearing symbols of magical significance.
  • Saga – Another Latin word for “witch”.
  • Sahir – Arabic origin meaning “warlock”.
  • Sahira – Arabic origin meaning “witch”.
  • Samhain – The Sabbat celebrating the end of the harvest.
  • Sampson – A name inspired by the English healer known as Agnes.
  • Severus – Means “stern” in Latin.
  • Shade – A ghost or shadow.
  • Shaman – Person with influence over good and evil spirits.
  • Shiva – The Hindu god of destruction that is associated with tigers.
  • Shushi – Chinese origin meaning “warlock”.
  • Spivey – An American psychic and healer.
  • Sorcière – French for “witch”.
  • Sooth – Means prophet.

Sampson – A name inspired by the English healer known as Agnes.

  • Strega – Italian origin meaning “witch”.
  • Tovenaar – Latin origin meaning “warlock”.
  • Veneficus – Another Latin word for “warlock”.
  • Wayob – A person who can magically transform themselves into an animal.

Magical Female Cat Names

Gypsy – A slang term for the Roma people.

  • Arcana – The term for the two parts of a Tarot deck.
  • Artemis – A Greek goddess that is associated with the moon.
  • Cassandra – In mythology she was a princess who was given the gift of prophecy, but was cursed because nobody ever believed her.
  • Ceridwen – The Welsh goddess of wisdom who had white cats serve her.
  • Circe – The daughter of Helios who turned Odeysseus and his men into pigs.
  • Durga – A Hindu mother goddess who rode a female tiger.
  • Elvira – A a dark film character.
  • Grimalkin – An evil-looking female cat associated with witchcraft.
  • Grizell – Another of Jane Wallis’ familiars.
  • Gypsy – A slang term for the Roma people.
  • Harpy – A bird of prey that has a woman’s face.
  • Ivalaine – Is from ‘The Last Rune’ novel series.
  • Jade – Jade is a stone used in Magic for healing and protection.
  • Li Shou – A Chinese goddess represented as a cat.
  • Lilith – Known in pagan circles as a goddess of strength and protection.

Cassandra – In mythology she was a princess who was given the gift of prophecy, but was cursed because nobody ever believed her.

  • Luna – Harry’s charming and quirky witch friend from Harry Potter.
  • Minerva – The professor who turns into a cat from the Harry Potter series.
  • Parvati – The Hindu goddess of beauty rode a lion.
  • Qareen – This a spiritual double, who exists as part of the person or in an alternate dimension.
  • Seraph – One of the celestial beings and highest order of beings.
  • Sphynx – A creature with a woman’s head, a lion’s body, and wings.
  • Sprite – Can be an elf, fairy, or goblin.
  • Strega – Means “witch” in Italian.
  • Sukie – The name Sukie originates from Hebrew for the word “lily.
  • Sybil – Roman prophet who wrote books of prophesies for the Roman king.
  • Tallis – Marie Tallis was a respected psychic who gave accurate readings in the 1950s.
  • Tonks – A witch in the Harry Potter series.
  • Yaoji – A Chinese goddess of the mountain who is accompanied by a tiger.
  • Zoe Benson – From American Horror Story.

Unisex Magical Cat Names

Chant – Rhythmic psalm or incantation sung in unison.

  • Adept – One who has studied magic and is very knowledgeable.
  • Archimedes – The name of Merlin’s owl.
  • Astral – A second body that accompanies us throughout life.
  • Aura – An aura is a luminous field of radiation that surrounds all living things like a halo.
  • Beltane – A seasonal festivals for Wiccans which corresponds to May Day.
  • Bokor – These are sorcerers of Voodoo for hire.
  • Canon – Means rules or methods.
  • Chakra – Chakras keep the mental, physical, and spiritual energies in the body in balance.
  • Chanceux – Means lucky in French .
  • Chant – Rhythmic psalm or incantation sung in unison.
  • Cipher – The secret code or mystical writing.
  • Clairvoyant – A person who claims to have a supernatural ability to see the future.
  • Crookshanks – The orange pet cat in the Harry Potter series
  • Cult – A system of religious veneration directed toward a specific object or figure.
  • Delphi – The Oracle of Delphi.

Chakra – Chakras keep the mental, physical, and spiritual energies in the body in balance.

  • Dixon – A psychic and astrologist who predicted the assassination of JFK.
  • Fangs – Can be associated with vampires or werewolves.
  • Ghost – A paranormal being.
  • Goth – Considered a dark genre of literature that focuses on dark themes.
  • Gridigut – One of Jane Wallis’ familiars.
  • Halo – A ring of light around the head of a deity.
  • Harpier – The name of the owl owned by the witches in ‘Macbeth’.
  • Heathen – Is a pagan, idolatrous, or infidel.
  • Heka – The Egyptian magical system.
  • Homunculus – A small humanoid creature.
  • Imp – A fairy or demon.
  • Ischade – A name from the ‘Thieves’ World’ series.
  • Juju – Means a lucky talisman, fetish, or charm.
  • Karma – A belief that the repercussions of your actions in this life will carry over into your next life.
  • Kikik – Filipino sorcerer, similar the the vampire-like Aswang.

Karma- A belief that the repercussions of your actions in this life will carry over into your next life.

  • Kikimora – A house spirit who engages in destructive behavior throughout the night.
  • Kinetix A name from the DC Comics universe.
  • Kismet – Means destiny or fate.
  • Licorice – Licorice root is also something frequently put into spells and potions.
  • Lirio – This is the name of the occult shopkeeper in The Craft.
  • Litha – Is the celebration of the summer solstice.
  • Mabon – The celebration of the autumnal equinox.
  • Malachite – An opaque green stone that is used in magic to promote visionary powers.
  • Malin – Malin Matsdotter was one of the last to be executed during Sweden’s great witch hunt known as the “Great Noise.”
  • Manon – Manon is the “spirit” invoked in The Craft.
  • Mog – Means gloomy.
  • Mystery – Is something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.
  • Myth – Tradition, story, or legend, about supernatural beings.
  • Nagual – A Native American mythical human being that can transform into a jaguar.
  • Nightshade – Also Belladonna, a purple flower that tends to grow around graves.

Licorice – Licorice root is also something frequently put into spells and potions.

  • Nyx – Image Comics.
  • Omen – An event or sign that is a prophecy.
  • Onyx – A black semi-precious gemstone.
  • Orenda – An invisible power that inhabits all creatures and inanimate objects.
  • Pelesit – A cricket or grasshopper, which can only be owned by a woman to assists in her magic.
  • Picatrix – A book of spells based on Astral magic.
  • Poppet – A voodoo doll.
  • Prophet – One gifted with foresight.
  • Psyche – The human soul, mind, or spirit.
  • Pyewacket – The black cat familiar in the play Bell, Book and Candle.
  • Pythia – Is another name inspired by the oracle also known as Delphi.
  • Raven – Same as crow.
  • Revenant – Human that returns as a spirit after death.
  • Rivet – To capture someone’s full attention.
  • Shillelagh – A kind of staff made of wood used in magic.

Pelesit – A cricket or grasshopper, which can only be owned by a woman to assists in her magic.

  • Sigil – A symbol used to help a spell or ritual.
  • Smudge – To burn incense to cleanse a room.
  • Sodalite – A bright blue stone that promotes calmness and good digestion.
  • Specter – Ghost or apparition of a terrifying nature.
  • Suerte – Means “Lucky” in Spanish.
  • Tarot – Cards from the 15th century that were used to see the future.
  • Trance – A mental state in which a person is in another dimension.
  • Tulpa – A Tibetan “imaginary friend” that can be conjured through thoughts consciously or accidentally.
  • Wraith – The apparition of a living being which warns of death.
  • Zemi – A good-luck charm or object.
  • Zombi – The pet snake and particular of Marie Catherine Laveau.

Witchy Female Cat Names

Diana – The name for a witch queen in several European mythologies.

  • Akuba – Japanese origin meaning “witch”.
  • Barang – Filipino witches who practice black magic.
  • Blair – Blair Witch Project.
  • Bellatrix – A powerful evil witch in the Harry Potter series.
  • Broom – Hilda – Based on an American newspaper comic strip.
  • Cabot – Proclaimed the official witch of Salem in the early 1970s in Salem, Massachusetts.
  • Cordelia Fox – A character from American Horror Story.
  • Desdemona – Is a character in William Shakespeare’s play Othello.
  • Diana – The name for a witch queen in several European mythologies.
  • Dolores – Harry Potter series witch who is obsessed with cats and whose Patronus is a cat
  • Echidna – The Witch of Greed in Re -Zero.
  • Edwina – Edwina is an anime witch who prefers to be secluded rather than hang out with others or be around chaos or fighting.
  • Elphaba – The wicked witch of the west from The Wizard of Oz recreated in the Broadway play, Wicked.
  • Elsa – The snow queen and good witch of Disney’s Frozen films.
  • Endora – The name of Samantha Stevens’ mother on the series Bewitched.

Diana – The name for a witch queen in several European mythologies.

  • Esmee – A witch from Terry Pratchett’s imagination.
  • Esmerelda – A witch from Terry Pratchett’s books.
  • Fleur – A young French witch from the Harry Potter series.
  • Gayelette – A witch from the Wonderful World of Oz.
  • Glinda – Known as The Good Witch in the “Wizard of Oz”.
  • Hermione – Student witch and friend of Harry Potter.
  • Hexe – German origin meaning “witch”.
  • Izetta – Izetta the Last Witch is a Japanese TV show.
  • Kijo – Japanese origin meaning “witch”.
  • Laveau – Marie Catherine Laveau was a Voodoo priestess in the late 1800s in New Orleans.
  • Makoto – Makoto Kowato is the Flying Witch in Japanese.
  • Maleficent – The evil witch queen in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty.
  • Maria – Maria is the the Witch in an anime series from France.
  • Melisandre – The Red Witch from the Game of Thrones series.
  • Minerva – Known as the Roman goddess of wisdom.

Maleficent – The evil witch queen in Disney’s Sleeping Beauty.

  • Molly Boo – The name of the cat owned by famous real-life witch Laurie Cabot.
  • Narcissa – Draco Malfoy’s witch mother in the Harry Potter series.
  • Paige – One of the four witch sisters from the TV show Charmed.
  • Phoebe – One of the four witch sisters from the TV show Charmed.
  • Piper – One of the four witch sisters from the TV show Charmed.
  • Prue – One of the four witch sisters from the TV show Charmed.
  • Pythia – High Priestess at the Oracle of Delphi.
  • Rhiannon – A Welsh goddess and a popular name for witches.
  • Rowena – A witch who was one of the four founders of Hogwarts from Harry Potter.
  • Sabrina – The Teenage Witch from the TV show.
  • Samantha – The mother on the show Bewitched.
  • Shipton – A 16th century clairvoyant and prophetess.
  • Singra – The Wicked Witch of Oz witch.
  • Tabitha – The daughter on the show Bewitched.
  • Tituba – One of the original three accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts.
  • Wendy – Casper’s Good Witch from the cartoon.

Witchy Male Cat Names

Phoebe – One of the four witch sisters from the TV show Charmed.

  • Akuba – Means “witch” in Japanese.
  • Baba – Polish origin meaning “witch”.
  • Cayce – He was known as the founder of holistic sleep related medicine.
  • Giles – A farmer who was accused of witchcraft in Salem along with his wife.
  • Gwydion – A wizard from Welsh mythology.
  • Incantrix – The Latin word for “witch”.
  • Jareth – The Goblin King from “Labyrinth” in the 1986 Jim Henson film.
  • Majo – Japanese origin meaning “witch”.
  • Mambo – A priestess of Voodoo who practices white and black magic.
  • Mathers – He was one of the founders of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and close associate of Allister Crowley.
  • Pillan – A powerful male spirit of Spanish origin that is highly respected.
  • Rasputin – A hypnotist and mystical advisor.
  • Rumi – A famous mystic and poet.
  • Saga – The Latin origin meaning “witch”.
  • Shaman – They predict the future and produce cures through magic.
  • Shedu – An ancient god with a lion’s body, wings, and a human head.
  • Sorciere – French origin meaning “witch”.
  • Usikan – A Filipino sorcerer who inflicts harm by complimenting someone or something.

Unisex Witchy Cat Names

Giles – A farmer who was accused of witchcraft in Salem along with his wife.

  • Akko – Based on Atsuko Kagari from Little Witch Academia.
  • Athame – This is a dagger used during Wiccan rituals.
  • Balefire – Fires that are burned outside during Wiccan festivals.
  • Besom – A broom used in magic.
  • Bruxo – Spanish translation of “warlock”.
  • Cauldron – Witches are known for using these typically black, cast-iron pots to brew their potions and spells.
  • Coven – A gathering of witches.
  • Craft – The art of witchcraft.
  • Crow – A large black bird associated with witches.
  • Grimalkin – The cat owned by the witches in the play ‘Macbeth’ by William Shakespeare.
  • Grimoire – A book of magic spells.
  • Hex – A magic spell or curse.
  • Hexe – Means “witch” in German.
  • Hocus – Part of a spell.
  • Jinx – A magic spell or enchantment that brings damage.

Cauldron – Witches are known for using these typically black, cast-iron pots to brew their potions and spells.

  • Kit – The Siamese cat on Charmed.
  • Koldun – The Russian translation of “warlock”.
  • Kyteler – Alice Kyteler was the first person convicted of witchcraft in Ireland.
  • Lammas – A Wiccan sabbath held in August.
  • Linden – Trees which are commonly used in Wicca and witchcraft.
  • Mage – This name means “a magician” or “someone who practices magic,”.
  • Midnight – It is considered the witching hour.
  • Ostara – A Wiccan sabbath held on the spring equinox.
  • Pagan – The religious beliefs predate those of the world religions.
  • Pentacle – A five-pointed star used in spells.
  • Pocus – Another part of a spell.
  • Praxis – Means a ritual or rite.
  • Robin – Witch Hunter Robin.
  • Sabbat – Pagan festivals that celebrate the changes of the seasons of the year.
  • Sibyl – Means a prophet.
  • Sorginak – A name for both male and female witches.
  • Spook – Can be a ghost, specter, or spy.
  • Tilly – Tilly Witch from the children’s books.
  • Vamp – A person who bewitches, and charms.
  • Wicca – A Pagan religion based on witchcraft.
  • Yule – A Wiccan sabbath held during the winter solstice.

Cats have a history of being associated with witches, Ancient Egypt and the gods so it is only natural to consider a witchy or magical name for your kitty. We hope one of the names in this list becomes your furry friends likeness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the name of the witch's cat?

The witch’s cat was most likely named “Grimalkin”, a term often used to describe cats associated with witchcraft!

It is believed that the name originated from the Middle English word “grimel”, which means “cat”. This term was used to refer to cats that were believed to have magical powers or to be associated with witches.

What are magical cats called?

Wizards and witches can always rely on their trusty Kneazles, the magical cats of the magical world. With spotted, speckled fur, large ears, and a plumed tail, they’re certainly not your ordinary housecat!

Kneazles are fiercely loyal and protective of their owners, and they have a knack for sensing danger. They can also be trained to perform a variety of tasks, from tracking and hunting to guarding.

What are some examples of powerful female witch names?

Witches come in all shapes and sizes, but some of the most powerful female witch names are Lilith, Minerva, Broom Hilda, Cassandra, Glinda the Good Witch, and Gypsy the Great.

Get ready to cast some spells!

Where can I find witchy cat names inspired by herbs and elements?

If you’re looking for witchy cat names that draw inspiration from herbs and elements, look no further! Our list features names like Sage, Willow, Rowan, Lavender, Ivy, Fern, Hazel, Luna, Aurora, and Emerald.

Can you suggest some witchy cat names from popular TV shows like American Horror Story?

Why not give your feline friend a magical makeover with names like Cordelia Fox, Myrtle Snow, and Phoebe from Charmed? Your cat is sure to love their new witchy moniker!

Giving your pet a unique name can be a fun way to show your love and appreciation for them. It can also be a great way to express your own personality and creativity. Whether you choose a classic name or something more unique, your name is yours.

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About Amy Brown-Towry

Amy Brown-Towry is a Certified NAVC Pet Nutritionist and animal lover. She is the proud owner of two cats and a dog and her love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care, nutrition, and product reviews.