When your cat hangs around the food bowl, meowing for food, it can pull at your heartstrings. However, it can also be a bit annoying, especially if you’ve already fed them!
Sometimes, it can feel like your cat is always hungry. So, how do you know if your cat is really hungry? Let’s find out the signs of hunger in cats and whether it’s normal cat behavior for them to beg for food.
How Do Cats Behave When They’re Hungry?
1. Meowing
Cats are often very vocal when they’re hungry, letting you know in no uncertain terms that it’s feeding time (at least in their mind!). If you live with a hungry or greedy cat, you might wish you had earplugs!
Also Read: When A Cat’s Meow Sounds Strange (Hoarse Voice)
2. Following You
If your cat is like your shadow, following you around the house wherever you go, they might be letting you know that they’re hungry. Don’t assume though, there are plenty of other reasons why your cat might be clingy, including boredom, loneliness, stress, and being unwell.
Also Read: Why Does My Cat Follow Me Everywhere?
3. Rubbing, Headbutting, or Batting at You
If your cat is hungry, they’ll try anything to get your attention. That includes weaving in and out of your legs and rubbing against you, just to make sure you notice them! Remember, though, your cat might not be hungry, they might just want your attention or some love.
Loving headbutting, known as bunting, is an affectionate behavior in the cat world. If your cat is being extra loving and attention seeking though, it might be because they want you to feed them.
Another sign your cat is hungry is batting you with their paws as you walk past them in the kitchen. On the other hand, they might just be feeling playful!
Also Read: What Does It Mean When A Cat Rubs Against You?
4. Nibbling You
Gentle nibbles or more feisty nips could be a sign that they’re losing patience and want to be fed. Depending on your cat, though, this can be a sign of affection or just attention-seeking behavior.
Also Read: Why Is My Cat So Annoying? Cat Attention-Seeking Behavior Explained
Is It Normal for Cats To Beg for Food?
It can be normal for cats to beg for food. In fact, cats can beg for food whether they’re particularly hungry or not, just out of habit. However, before you dismiss or ignore your cat’s begging for food, learn about the reasons why they might be acting hungrier than normal since there are a few medical causes of begging for food.
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Why Is My Cat Begging for Food?
1. They’re on a Diet
If you’re actively restricting your cat’s food intake so that they lose weight and become healthier, you can expect some loud protests. Over time, your cat should get used to their new food allowance, but if their ravenous behavior doesn’t improve, talk to your vet about gradually switching to a less calorie-dense diet that they can eat more of. That way, they’ll feel fuller for longer.
Also Read: How To Put A Cat On A Diet?
2. Their Food Is Being Stolen
If you have more than one cat or even more than one pet, consider whether your cat is getting their full portion or whether it’s being stolen.
Even neighborhood cats might take the opportunity to steal your cat’s food if you have a pet door. If you suspect your cat might not be getting their full allocation of food, try feeding them separately and see if they seem less hungry.
Also Read: Why Does My Cat Steal My Other Cat’s Food?
3. They Have a Health Condition
Conditions that change the metabolism, like diabetes or hyperthyroidism, could make your cat seem very hungry even though they’re eating the normal amount of food. Similarly, certain cancers and gut and kidney diseases can also affect the body’s absorption and use of nutrients, or lead to protein loss in the urine or feces.
Most medical issues that cause begging for food will cause weight loss in addition to an increased appetite, so keep an eye on your cat and bring them in for a weight check if you’re concerned.
Also Read: The Best Homemade Cat Food Recipes For Kidney Disease
4. They Have Worms
Intestinal parasites, often called worms, can cause weight loss and reduced absorption of nutrients. You might also notice your cat has an upset stomach with vomiting, blood in the stools, or diarrhea. Because they aren’t able to absorb their digested food so well, they can feel very hungry, which can lead to begging behaviors.
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5. They Don’t Like Their Food
If your cat isn’t a fan of their cat food, they might leave it in the bowl and beg for something else. This would mean they’re genuinely hungry, but they’re holding out in the hope that you’ll offer something more appetizing, like human food. If the cat’s food bowl is normally full of dry food, try switching to wet food, or you could try changing the flavors of your cat’s diet.
Also Read: Why Is My Cat Not Eating? Loss Of Appetite In Cats
6. Their Food Is Causing Them Pain
Again, if your cat is leaving their food but also begging, it could be that their food is causing them pain. Dental disease, mouth ulcers, abscesses, and tumors can all cause mouth pain that can make eating uncomfortable.
If this is the case, you might also notice your cat dribbling saliva, bleeding, or pawing at their mouth. It’s common that cats with oral pain will eat their wet food but leave the dry cat food or kibble as it’s more painful to eat.
Also Read: Mouth Cancer In Cats: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
7. They’re a Bit Greedy
Some cats are just a bit greedy! If your cat is begging for food, there could be nothing wrong aside from a great love of food. Of course, obesity is a serious health concern in cats and other pets, so if your cat is putting on weight speak to your veterinary clinic about weight loss diets and other support.
Also Read: Cat Obesity Chart: Find Out if Your Cat is Obese
8. They’re Bored
Just like humans, cats who are bored or craving attention might resort to eating. Investing in some food puzzles, extra toys, and activity centers or cat trees could help combat boredom and beat the cravings.
Also Read: The 5 Best Interactive Cat Toys for Bored Cats
9. It’s a Habit
If every time your cat begs for food, you provide it, they’ll learn to expect it. By feeding them you’re rewarding them and reinforcing the begging habit, making it more likely they’ll do it again.
Spending time interacting with them in other ways, with playtime or a cuddle, should help change the habit so that they reserve their begging for when they’re really hungry. Some cat owners even get an automatic feeder so their cat doesn’t associate them with food.
In Summary
If you have a cat who begs for food, it can be a bit frustrating, as well as making you tempted to give in to those pleading eyes and feed them! It can be tricky when our heart is telling us to feed them or give them a treat, but our head knows that they don’t need anymore and weight gain could make them unhealthy.
Spotting the signs that your cat wants love, attention, or play rather than hunger should help to avoid unnecessary feeding. And don’t forget to get them checked out by a vet if their appetite has changed, just in case there’s a health problem.
Also Read: List of Foods Cats Can and Can not Eat