How Do Cats Mark Their Territory?

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Cat rubbing against a person or object

To humans, cat behavior can seem strange. At times they do things that might seem annoying or cause damage. This is why, if you have a feline family member, it’s essential to understand some basic cat behavior, including territory marking and other forms of scent marking. So, how do cats mark their territory? Let’s find out.

How Do Cats Mark Their Territory?

Cats have many ways of sending signals to other cats. They have scent glands on their face, body, and paws that release pheromones. They also send smelly signals in their urine and feces to mark their territory and communicate with other cats. Here are some of the ways that cats mark their territory:


Cats have scent glands in their paws, around their nails and their paw pads. When they scratch, they leave their scent while keeping their claws in good shape. Scratching a variety of vertical and horizontal surfaces also helps cats stretch their muscles. The smell, alongside the physical scratch marks, helps show other cats that it’s their territory.

Urine Spraying

Cat displaying spraying behavior

Both male and female cats spray.

Cats don’t spray every time they pass urine, and spraying is more common among cats who aren’t neutered. Urine spraying is usually done on vertical surfaces like walls, curtains, furniture, or foliage.

Cats spray to mark their territory or attract a mate. Still, they can also spray due to stress or changes in their environment or routine. Even if they’re not spraying, cats use urine marking to demonstrate ownership of resources like their litter box or the best toileting patches in the garden.

Inappropriate urination could be a sign of a medical problem like a urinary tract infection. If you have any concerns about your cat’s urination or other cat behavior problems you should speak to your veterinarian. They may be able to recommend a calming product like a Feliway or pet remedy diffuser.


Cats have anal glands in their bottom that produce scent material. This scent gives other cats information about a cat’s gender, age, health, and reproductive status, as well as letting them know whether they are a friend or foe!

This foul-smelling substance is stored in the anal sacs until the cat passes feces. When poop squeezes out of the anus, the pressure empties the anal sacs, and the scent material is deposited, too.

Face Rubbing

The congregation of scent glands on a cat’s face allows them to mark their territory by face rubbing. You might notice your cat doing this around your home or garden, on corners of walls, furniture, or fences. This is because cats commonly use this technique to mark familiar surroundings where they feel safe, secure, and content.


Cats have scent glands on their flanks as well as their face. So, when you see them rolling around on the patio, in the dirt, or on your doorstep, they’re actually spreading their scent to mark their territory.


When they’re not rolling on the floor, cats also scent mark by rubbing their bodies against surfaces as they walk. You might spot your cat walking alongside the garden wall leaning against it. This means they are marking their territory and making other cats aware that the garden belongs to them.

How Do Cats Mark Their Humans?

Cat rubbing against a surface or object

When your cat rubs up against you, they’re marking you are their personal property!

It’s not just objects and surfaces in their environment that cats scent-mark. They also scent mark their favorite people. So, suppose you have a furry family member at home. In that case, you might see them doing some of these behaviors to let the other family members know they care:


Bunting is when cats headbutt you. But rather than being aggressive or unpleasant, it’s actually a sign of affection. Cats have a cluster of scent glands on their forehead, so when they lovingly headbutt you, they’re marking you with their scent. This scent marking behavior is a massive compliment because it means they trust you and feel safe.

Face Rubbing

Like bunting, when cats rub their face against you, they’re marking you with their scent. They have scent glands on their cheeks that release pheromones when rubbing against you. So, now you know that when you’re enjoying an affectionate moment with your purrfect pal, they’re saying they love you, too.


Has your cat ever rubbed their face against your chin and then opened their mouth to take a little bite? Or perhaps they’ve rubbed their face against your cheek and ended up nibbling your ear? These little bites aren’t meant to hurt. They’re a sign of love and, again, serve the purpose of scent-marking due to scent glands situated around the lips.


If you’ve got a feline friend, you’re probably familiar with this scenario. You curl up on the sofa in the evening with your chosen beverage, and your cat joins you. But instead of settling on your lap right away, they pace round in circles, kneading and padding with their paws and getting their claws stuck in your favorite lounge trousers.

So, why does your cat insist on performing this irritating ritual before they will relax? Cats have scent glands in their paws that release their scent as they knead or scratch. By kneading on your lap, they’re making sure their cozy spot smells of their odor to make them feel safe and reassured.

Leg Rubbing

Does your cat rub against your legs when you arrive home? Or maybe when you’re in the kitchen, and they want to be fed, they make sure you’re aware by weaving through your legs and meowing loudly?

When they do that, they transfer their pheromones onto your legs or clothes. Not only will other cats be aware that you’re off-limits, but the scent will make your cat feel safe and reassured.


Cat rubbing her cheek against an object

From being a real-life trip hazard as they weave around your feet to snagging your coziest blanket with their kneading, cat behavior can be baffling and frustrating. However, once you understand that these behaviors are often a demonstration of their love for you and the home you share with them, you might find the behavior more endearing!

Also Read: How Do Cats Choose Their Favorite Person?

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Dr. Hannah Godfrey BVETMED MRCVS

Hannah graduated from the Royal Veterinary College, UK in 2011 and began work straight away at a busy mixed practice. Initially, she treated all species, but as the small animal hospital became busier, she focussed on small animals. Hannah is an expert on cat behavior and nutrition.

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