All cats are cute, but some breeds have special features that make them look especially adorable. As with all things, “cute” is in the eye of the beholder. One person might find a certain breed delightful while another thinks it look strange. This is the beauty of the world of cats—there are so many unique breeds that everyone is bound to find one or two (or five or 10) that appeal to them.
Whether you like cats with adorably different ears, short legs, or sweet faces, let’s meet some of the cutest cat breeds around.
#1 American Curl
The American Curl’s unusual curled-back ears lend this breed an absolutely adorable look of delighted surprise. In addition to their enchanting appearance, the American Curl also has an exceptionally sweet and friendly temperament, further lending to their charm. They are even known for cooing at their owners to politely ask for attention.
All American Curl kittens are born with straight ears. The ears begin to curl between 3 and 5 days old. Though American Curl ears vary, show cats should have 90 to 180 degrees of curl. This small breed comes in longhair and shorthair varieties in many different colors and patterns.
#2 Burmilla
The pretty Burmilla is simply adorable with its rounded, wedge-shaped head, slightly upturned nose, and extra-sweet expression in its face. Adding to the cute factor is the Burmilla’s “makeup,” dark lines of color around the cat’s nose, lips, and eyes. The breed was created when a Chinchilla-colored Persian cat and a lilac Burmese accidentally mated.
Though the breeding wasn’t planned, the kittens were so gorgeous that a new breed a formed. Burmillas, which may have short hair or long hair, are a silver-white color shaded or tipped with a variety of recognized colors. The breed is outgoing, playful, and loving.
#3 Devon Rex
The tiny, adorable, elf-like Devon Rex is sometimes called the “pixie cat” due to its fine frame and unique facial features—large eyes, short muzzle and prominent cheekbones—as well as its long, skinny neck, and large, low-set ears. The breed was developed in Devonshire, England, in the late 1950s following the birth of a strange-looking kitten with a wavy coat.
The Devon Rex comes in many different colors and patterns and is covered in a soft, fine, rexed coat with a rippled wave effect. The Devon Rex’s personality is as cute as its appearance. It’s silly, fun-loving, and extremely attached to its human family members.
#4 Minuet
Breed Overview
- ORIGIN: United States
- HEIGHT: 7”-8”
- ADULT WEIGHT: 5-9 pounds
- LIFE SPAN: 9-15 years
One look at those short little legs, plus its round head, round eyes, and small, round ears, and it’s clear why the Minuet made the list of cutest cat breeds. Formerly called the Napoleon, the Minuet was developed from breedings between dwarf Munchkin cats and Persians, Himalayans, and Exotic Shorthairs.
It was recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 2016. Only one other dwarf breed is fully recognized by TICA—the Munchkin. The Minuet may have long hair or short hair, and can be any color or pattern. This breed is sweet, gentle, active, and friendly.
#5 Munchkin
The original short-legged cat breed, the Munchkin breed was developed when a kitten was born in 1983 with chondrodystrophism, which is also called dwarfism. The shortened legs do not cause any mobility or health problems, but they do make for a super cute cat. The Munchkin was the first dwarf cat breed recognized by TICA, which occurred in 2003. Only one other dwarf breed is fully recognized by TICA—the Minuet (which was created from the Munchkin and other breeds).
The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) does not recognize any dwarf cat breeds. Munchkins come in shorthaired and longhaired varieties, and may be any color. Despite their short legs, Munchkins are active and playful. The breed is also curious, social, and affectionate.
#6 Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is simply darling—its folded ears and large, round eyes make this breed look like a sweet little owl. They are not only sweet looking, but also sweet in personality. These cats are affectionate, easygoing, laid-back, and gentle. The breed was developed in Scotland from a white cat born with a spontaneous genetic mutation for folded ears.
Not all Scottish Fold kittens have the breed’s trademark folded ears. Some do not have the gene for folded ears. All Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight ears, but around 3 to 4 weeks of age they begin to fold. The breed’s dense, plush, soft coat may be shorthaired or longhaired, and comes in lots of different colors and patterns.
#7 Siamese
The Siamese is exotically adorable, with its large, bat ears, long and straight Roman nose, wedge-shaped head, and amazing blue eyes. When this cat opens its mouth prepare to be charmed even further. Siamese are known for being extremely talkative and will follow you around meowing and yowling to share how it feels.
The breed is also famous for being over-the-top affectionate and interactive, and will climb in your lap, crawl up onto your shoulders, and even wrap its arms around your neck in a one-of-a-kind snuggle hug. Siamese cats come from Siam, which is present-day Thailand, and have a short silky coat in the pointed coloration (a lighter-colored body with “points” of darker color on the head, legs, and tail).
#8 Singapura
The Singapura’s small body paired with large, round eyes and large ears make this breed extra cute. Further adding to the cuteness factor is the unique ticked coat that calls to mind a tiny cougar. The coloration, called sepia agouti, is dark brown ticking on a warm old ivory ground color.
The Singapura also has facial markings, including eyeliner, noseliner and dark lines alongside the nose called “cheetah lines.” The Singapura is a Velcro-cat that loves to cuddle. The breed is outgoing, curious, and loving.
#9 Sphynx
Though some people think the hairless Sphynx looks like an alien, breed lovers know this wrinkled beauty is one of the cutest cats around. Even those who don’t “get” the Sphynx have to admit that this breed is at the very least “so ugly it’s cute.” Sphynx are also super cuddly and oh-so-soft, with skin so warm and supple it’s like stroking a hot water bottle covered in velvet. These lap cats love to cuddle.
Sphynx can be any color or pattern—due to the lack of hair, the breed’s coloration appears on the skin itself. Many Sphynx also have some peach fuzz, which is colored the same as the skin. Though the breed has no hair to brush, it does need regular bathes to control oil buildup on the skin.
#10 Toyger
What could be cuter than a miniature tiger? Though the Toyger should look just like a wildcat, it is a friendly, loving, and social domestic cat. The vertically aligned tiger-stripe pattern is technically a tabby pattern—called a modified mackerel tabby pattern—that is unique to Toygers.
The black or brown stripes contrast beautifully against the dark orange or reddish coat. The breed was created in the 1980s by a cat breeder who paired the Bengal cat and domestic shorthaired cats in an eventually successful attempt to obtain a modified mackerel tabby pattern reminiscent of a tiger.
Toygers preferably have some glitter, a type of hair that reflects light and makes it look as though the cat has been sprinkled with fairy dust.