Can Cats Survive A Fall From Any Height?
Cats are known for their amazing agility and reflexes. They often amaze their owners with how gracefully they can jump down from a high shelf or wall. Furthermore, there are many stories of cats surviving...
Want to walk into the vet’s office feeling confident and well-prepared? Explore our cat health archives to learn about symptoms, diagnoses, medications, and more.
To ensure that everything you see here is accurate and up-to-date, our health guides are either vet-written or vet-reviewed. Scroll down to start browsing.
Cats are known for their amazing agility and reflexes. They often amaze their owners with how gracefully they can jump down from a high shelf or wall. Furthermore, there are many stories of cats surviving...
Good cat owners know that one of the best ways to keep our feline friends as healthy as possible is to provide good nutrition. However, many cat owners are not aware of what foods their...
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I can almost taste the delicious roast turkey, pumpkin pie, and mashed potatoes. Our feast will contain numerous savory dishes along with scrumptious desserts to tickle everyone’s fancy. With...
Fish is often touted as a healthy dietary choice due to its lean protein, high levels of omega-3s, and plentiful vitamins and minerals. It is also commonly portrayed as a natural cat food, either as...
Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a common viral infection of domestic cats. The virus causes upper respiratory disease that often closely resembles Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis (FVR), and both viruses can cause the syndrome known as “Cat...
Buprenorphine is one of the most common analgesic pain medications prescribed for cats, especially for short term use following a procedure or painful injury. In this article, you’ll learn more about buprenorphine, how it’s used,...
A broken pelvis in cats is a very serious injury causing pain and difficulty with movement of the hindlimbs. Collectively, pelvic fractures comprise about 25% of fractures seen in pets. Because they usually occur in...
Breast cancer in cats is one of the more common cancers, with an incidence of around 17% of tumors in female cats. But what’s scary about feline breast cancer is how serious it is- most of these tumors are malignant, and...
Although brain tumors in cats are uncommon, they can have significant impacts on affected cats. There are a number of different types of brain tumors that cats can develop of which is associated with unique...
Bravecto topical solution for cats is a brand of topical flea and tick preventative product developed by Merck Animal Health. In this article you’ll learn what Bravecto for cats is, how it works, potential side...