Cats have so many adorable features from their perfect noses to their little bean toes. Big ears on a cat can perform important functions for survival when in the wild. They act like satellite dishes, which help felines pick up on the slightest sounds when hunting.
However, domestic cats use their ears to know who is coming and going from the home as well as when they hear their bowl at meal time.
Cat breeds with big ears vary in looks and personality. In this article, we put together a list of 12 cat breeds that are known for long, big ears, and what we love about them.
#1 Sphynx
Sphynx cats are completely hairless, and their ears are very large. Cats with no hair are the result of a genetic mutation, and this breed was developed through selective breeding.
The Sphynx cat loves to curl up in its owner’s lap and is known for being extremely affectionate. In addition, they are very friendly and often referred to as Velcro cats because they stick to their humans. This breed is also intelligent and curious and often serves as the household welcome committee when guests arrive.
#2 Abyssinian
The Abyssinian is a big size cat breed that also has oversized pointed ears. Their forward tilting ears give them an alert appearance which compliments their distinct appearance.
The Abyssinian is an affectionate breed who loves their people and is known to follow them around the house. This breed is very inquisitive and demands a lot of attention. However, they are not known as lap cats or considered a cuddly breed.
#3 Chausie
Chausie’s are a little wild in appearance because they are a cross between a jungle cat and a domestic cat. This large cat has tall upright ears that also sport tufts.
Chausies are kind and easy-going felines. They are often described as fearless creatures but not considered aggressive. This breed is often considered dog-like and can be trained to walk on a leash.
#4 Cornish Rex
The Cornish Rex is from Cornwall and was discovered in the 1950s. They are recognized for their unusual, extremely soft, wavy coat, which is the result of a natural mutation. The Cornish Rex is also easy to spot because of their large eyes and big, high-set ears.
The Cornish Rex is an active and highly playful breed. This breed can even be taught tricks and can play fetch like a dog. These cats are known for being extremely affectionate and love being around their humans more than anything.
#5 Oriental Shorthair
The Shorthair Oriental is known as the cat breed with big ears. Even with its slender body, sleek coat, and triangular-shaped head, it sports Dumbo-like ears. This breed was developed by breeders wanting different colors of Siamese, which gives them very similar characteristics to the breed.
The Oriental breed is intelligent, loving, and loyal. This breed is very fond of its humans and can live with just about anyone and anything. Due to the Siamese lineage, this breed is very vocal and likes to talk.
#6 Savannah
Savannah cats are a mix of a domestic cat and a wild African cat called a Serval. They inherited their very large ears from the Serval, and they can range in size based on breeding.
Savannah cats are playful, adventurous, and laid-back cats. They make great companions, even for children and other pets. While they do enjoy their humans, they are not considered cuddly cats.
#7 Balinese
The Balinese are a cat breed with big ears and a long, triangular-shaped head. This breed was developed to be a long-haired version of the Siamese, so they have a similar appearance and chatty, lively personalities.
This breed loves to climb and can be found in high-up places. The Balinese are affectionate and bond with their humans and other pets in the household. They do like a lot of attention and do not do well being left alone for long periods of time.
#8 Devon Rex
The Devon Rex is referred to as the pixie of the cats due to its large eyes, high-set cheekbones, slender bodies, and big ears. Some of them even have tufts of hair on the ears that resemble earmuffs.
This breed is described as loyal, active, and loves playing with puzzle toys. They can be taught tricks and are said to make great therapy cats. This breed is a good choice for families with children and other household pets.
#9 Javanese
The Javanese have adorably large ears like their cousin, the Balinese. Because they descend from the Siamese, Colorpoint, and Balinese and have similar points and almond-shaped eyes.
Javanese cats are playful, energetic, and tend to be chatty like their Siamese ancestors. This breed is known for their curiosity, intelligence, and very affectionate. The Javanese makes a great family pet and does well with children.
#10 Siamese
Siamese cats are strikingly beautiful with long legs, long tail, a wedge-shaped head and big, triangular ears. This well-known breed is one of the first distinctly recognized breeds of Asian cats.
The Siamese is playful and known for following its owners around the house while engaging in conversation. They do require a lot of attention and do not do well if left alone for long periods of time. This breed does have several dog-like qualities like fetch and the need for companionships.
#11 Bambino
Breed Overview
- ORIGIN: United States
- HEIGHT: 5″-7″
- ADULT WEIGHT: 5-9 pounds
- LIFE SPAN: 12-14 years
The Bambino cat is the result of a cross between a Sphynx and a Munchkin cat. They are a relatively new breed, so not much is known about these cats. However most agree they are adorable cats with short legs, large eyes, and humongous ears.
The Bambino is known for being very playful and love to be surrounded by their humans. They are not a cat that likes being left for long periods of time and prefer to be in social settings. They do well with children and love to chat about their day.
#12 Donskoy
The Donskoy breed is a fairly rare cat that originated in Russia in the 1980s and is sometimes referred to as the Don Sphynx. These distinct-looking cats resemble the Sphynx cat breed due to their lack of hair and large ears.
Donskoy’s are inquisitive and social cats that do not do well when left alone for a long period of time. They are affectionate and like being around their humans as well as other pets but are picky about particular cats at times. They are easy to train and like to follow their owners around.
Final Thoughts
Cat with big ears are adorable even if they tend to possess a more wild appearance and temperament. Even though the large ears serve them well in the wild, these cats use their big ears to detect sounds of their owners opening treats, rattling toys or serving up dinner in the home.