Why Does My Cat Like My Husband More Than Me?

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Photo of a husband featured with a cat in his arms, illustrating a heartwarming display of companionship and care between a pet owner and his feline friend.

Once we bring kitty home, instantly, our lives are changed. We have a new obsession that purrs and is covered in magical fur and makes us feel good inside whenever they are near. The endless photos on our phones, the warm and fuzzy feelings they give us, surely, with all the love we bestow on them, we can only hope that the feeling is reciprocated.

But then, more times than not, our feline friends will decide that they like our significant other more than us. It’s hard not to get a little butthurt about the situation, and rightfully so. If you’ve ever wondered, “why does my cat like my husband more than me?” you’re not the first. Keep reading to discover the reason why it is that your precious kitty favors your hubby…

Also Read: 6 Subtle Signs Your Cat Loves You

Cats Like To Be In Control.

Image of a cat comfortably nestled between a couple, symbolizing the shared affection and happiness that pets can bring to relationships.

Your cat is the dominant one in your relationship, whether you like it or not.

Your cat is the dominant one in your relationship, whether you like it or not. Because, after all, cats will do as they please. Think about the dynamic of your relationship with your cat. Do you seek out your cat to get affection from them, or do you let your cat determine when it’s time to dole out affection to you?

Also Read: Why Isn’t My Cat Affectionate?

In a nutshell, your cat is a huge control freak. And if we are the ones who choose not to surrender that control, welp, then our cats might choose to dominate the other person in our home…which is typically our husbands.

Who Feeds the Cat?

We all know that cats simply love to eat. And cats are the masters of getting people to feed them on their command. You might be the rule follower or the one who lays down the law, while your husband or your boyfriend, on the other hand, is quick to give in to the kitty’s food commands.

Additionally, your cat’s feeding schedule might have something to do with it. Say, for instance, your husband is an early riser, and the kitty knows that. If your husband is the one who regularly feeds your cat or is quick to give in to your cat’s treat commands, this could be a reason why your cat prefers your husband over you.

Why Does My Cat Sleep With My Husband and Not Me?

Cozy scene capturing a cat peacefully resting on a bed next to a man, exemplifying the tranquil companionship and warmth found in such moments.

It’s common knowledge that cats love to be warm—and they are known for gravitating to heat. This is likely why your cat prefers to sit and sleep on your husband.

Your cat might prefer your husband simply because he’s warmer.

Fights over the thermostat are common in households of married couples. Typically, the woman is freezing while the husband channels his inner polar bear and requests the thermostat be set lower. It’s common knowledge that cats love to be warm—and they are known for gravitating to heat.

This is likely why your cat prefers to sit and sleep on your husband. He is likely giving off more body heat than you are, and cats like to be nice and toasty regardless of the season.

Also Read: Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Chest?

Ask yourself: Who is the one that gives the cat affection on their terms?

When it comes to cats, everything is preferred strictly on their terms. This comes to eating, sleeping, and especially affection.

Even the friendliest of felines might be quick to let you know that they like affection on their terms and their terms only. So, if you’re one to demand affection from your kitty, they will remember that. And, if your husband is the opposite, well, they’ll keep that in mind!

They might even go as far as to give you the cold shoulder—or cast a notorious cat side-eye your way. Just try your best not to let it hurt your feelings. Remember, cats are not naturally spiteful beings—regardless of the dirty looks they might throw your way as they sit in your husband’s lap.

Also Read: 7 Common Cat Vocalizations And What They Mean

Think of how children often bond more closely to one parent; cats can be similar in this way too.

Cats and humans can share many traits. And favoring one parent over the other is one of them. If you have human children, you know this all too well.

Or just think back to what your life was like as a child because chances are, you favored one of your parents over the other. Your cat might like your husband over you because they feel more comfortable with them. This is not to say that your cat doesn’t like you.

Perhaps your husband doesn’t fidget when he’s sitting, or your cat has him trained more than he has you trained to give into his demands. Whatever the case, it’s perfectly natural and normal for a cat to choose one of their human parents over the other.

Your Cat Might Like Your Husband More Than You Because That’s Who They Bonded With First

Image of a man sharing a tender and affectionate moment with his cat, showcasing the gentle and loving bond they have formed.

If your cat chooses your husband over you, try your best not to take offense.

Often, when a cat chooses the husband, it isn’t necessarily because of something that you did. And, many times, female cats naturally prefer men and vice versa. The same can be said with many dogs as well. Kind of like the saying in the human world when you hear that someone is a “Daddy’s girl.”

If your cat chooses your husband over you, try your best not to take offense. Even if it seems particularly frustrating, try to appreciate that your cat feels loved by someone in your home. Cats will be cats, which sometimes means your cat will prefer your husband over you.

Are you curious as to how cats choose their favorite people? We have the answer for you here on Cats.com. Check out this next article about this topic that many cat owners wonder about.

Charming picture featuring a cute couple sharing a delightful moment with their cat, portraying the joy and love that pets can bring to relationships.

Cats will be cats, which sometimes means that your cat will prefer your husband over you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does my cat likes my roommate more than me?

If your cat chooses your roommate over you, try your best not to take offense. Even if it seems particularly frustrating, try to appreciate that your cat feels loved by someone in your home. Moreover, if your roommate is the one who regularly feeds your cat this could be a reason why your cat prefers your roommate over you.

Why does my male cat like my husband more?

It's common knowledge that cats love to be warm—and they are known for gravitating to heat. This is likely why your male cat prefers to sit and sleep on your husband.

Why does my cat like my boyfriend more than me?

Your cat might like Your boyfriend more than you because That's probably who they bonded with first. Try to be the one who regularly feeds your cat or is quick to give in to your cat's treat commands to build a stronger bond with her.

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