Meet Raul and Carl, Two Therapy Cats Who Help Kids Read

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Meet Raul and Carl, two retired therapy cats.

In this article, we’re getting to know Raul and Carl, two cats who made their mark as therapy animals. Their docile, confident personalities made them excellent additions at school, where they helped kids read. Many people assume only dogs are therapy animals, but these two “cool-for-school” cats are changing the narrative.


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Raul’s easygoing personality made him the perfect candidate.

Raul’s cat parent, Sarah Morr, noticed something special about the kitten when her kids’ play dates became energetic and boisterous – he wasn’t afraid of the noise. While many cats or kittens may run and hide when things get loud, Raul seemed to not mind at all.

In fact, he “loved hanging out with everyone he met”, according to his cat parent. She was smart enough to realize there was something special about Raul, and he had a gift to offer the local children.

Raul was certified, then went off to school!

After looking into the suggestion that Raul the cat may be a great therapy animal, Sarah had him certified. In order for a therapy animal to be certified, they have to work with a professional organization for an evaluation.

Evaluations include combing over records from vet visits, exposing the cat to challenging situations to see how they respond, and learning the cat’s overall demeanor and personality to ensure they will not behave aggressively. Once he was certified, off to school he went!

Raul’s time spent at the school included keeping kids company during reading exercises and helping them learn to express themselves emotionally with the assistance of a counselor.


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“He is able to take some of that sadness or stress away because he calmly listens to whatever they have to say,” Morr told The Dodo.

And, he never gets bored! Raul is just as happy as a reading companion as he is watching an experiment in science class or celebrating achievements in the school assembly.

The experience was so positive for both the school and Raul that Sarah soon brought in Carl to help, as well. Carl loves to be pushed in a stroller to help encourage conversation among the students.


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The kids that interact with Raul and Carl feel happy when they are around and enjoy the comfort that a calm cat can offer. “Raul takes his job seriously and is the calmest, most patient cat I have ever met,” Morr told The Dodo.

The volunteer work that Raul and Carl have done has provided a lasting positive impact on their local community and school kids. Unfortunately, Raul finally reached an age when it was time to find other ways to provide comfort.


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Raul has retired, but he still loves to be with people.

The day finally came when Raul had to hang up his volunteer badge and spend some much-earned relaxation time at home. He enjoys playing poker, napping, and hanging out with Carl.


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Raul may be retired, but he has left a paw print on many hearts of school employees, teachers, and students. He continues to inspire humans (and their therapy pets) to become more involved in their local communities!


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When it comes to therapy animals, Raul has taught us to keep an open mind regarding cats. He is helping to shed light on how important these furry creatures can be in our socialization and healing by providing services that people can sometimes forget cats can offer.

Raul shows that some cats, with the right temperament, can make wonderful therapy and companion animals and provide soothing, warm interactions that can benefit people of all ages, from kids in school to the elderly in nursing homes. And, as Raul demonstrates, cats love it, too!

Learn more about Raul the Therapy Cat on his Instagram account!

About Leslie Roberts

Leslie Roberts is an experienced business process analyst who has worked in the computer software industry. She has also written features for