Can Cats Eat French Fries?

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Image capturing a cat in the act of smelling French fries, showcasing the feline's curious exploration of human food

We all enjoy an indulgent junk food treat now and again, whether it’s pizza, hamburgers, tacos, or French fries. Fast food is tasty, quick, and popular. It can even give our mood a little lift while we’re eating.

So, it might be obvious that cats can’t eat spicy junk food, like Mexican, Chinese, or Indian foods. But what about something bland like French fries? Can cats eat French fries?

And what if you offered your cat just half a French fry? Surely that couldn’t harm them? Well, the answer is that cats shouldn’t eat French fries. While they’re non-toxic, even a small amount could give your cat an upset stomach or give them painful pancreatitis.

Can Cats Have French Fries?

It’s important to remember that, while there are theoretical nutritional benefits to French fries, these are mostly outweighed by the high fat, high calories, and high sodium levels.

So, when you read this list of nutrients and their benefits, don’t go running to get some French fries for your feline friend! Remember that all of the nutrients in potatoes and French fries can be sourced in a healthier way in other foods.

The so-called healthy carbohydrates (or resistant starch) in potatoes are hard for your cat’s body to break down. This means that they could keep your famished feline feeling fuller for longer! In humans, they are also shown to protect against weight gain.

However, it’s not certain whether this would also be the case for cats – especially when the potato has been fried in fat. The fat isn’t all bad, though. Fatty acids like omega 3 are important for your cat’s skin, fur, claws, and joints.

Are French Fries Good for Cats?

Image portraying a stray kitten eating French fries, highlighting the challenging circumstances that some stray animals face and the importance of responsible care and nutrition for all cats

Large numbers of French fries could cause salt poisoning, especially if they are heavily seasoned.

The antioxidants within potatoes can help reduce organ and tissue damage and aid in repair. However, many fruits and vegetables contain higher levels of antioxidants than potatoes, so they may be a better choice.

Vitamin C and B6 are needed for healthy tissues, wound repair, good brain function, and a strong immune system. But again, there are far better sources of these vitamins in other fruits and vegetables that aren’t deep fried!

Do Cats Like the Taste of French Fries?

Cats are curious creatures and are usually pretty interested in whatever food their cat owners have. So, if they see you chowing down on a portion of French fries, they might well have a taste if given the opportunity. However, it’s important to remember the nutritional drawbacks of French fries and try to find them something healthier instead.

Also Read: The 7 Best Cat Vitamins And Supplements

How Many French Fries Can a Cat Eat?

With their high sodium (salt) and high-fat content, there are much better things you can offer your cat as a treat. Therefore, it’s best not to give your cat French fries ever.

However, a small number of French fries are non-toxic, so if your cat accidentally steals one, you don’t need to panic. You should monitor them for vomiting or diarrhea and take them to a veterinarian if you think they are unwell.

Large numbers of French fries could cause salt poisoning, especially if they are heavily seasoned. However, it’s unlikely that your cat would eat enough for this to be an issue.

How Often Can a Cat Eat French Fries?

You should never feed your cat French fries. They are not a healthy choice and could make your cat feel unwell. While you don’t need to worry too much about your cat eating a French fry as a one-off mishap, it shouldn’t become a habit, and you should do your best to keep them out of your curious cat’s reach.

Are French Fries Used in Commercial Cat Food?

You probably won’t be surprised to hear that French fries aren’t used in commercial cat food. Cats are obligate carnivores, so a cat’s diet should be mostly animal protein.

Therefore, most cat kibble contains mostly meat protein. Although cat food will contain some fruits and vegetables to provide the vitamins, minerals, and fiber needed for your cat’s health, it won’t have French fries.

Potatoes are sometimes used in pet foods as a source of carbohydrates and other nutrients. However, these will usually be boiled rather than fried to keep the fat levels in your cat’s diet low.

Are French Fries Bad for Cats?

The high-fat content in French fries could cause your cat a painful bout of pancreatitis. This is a condition where the pancreas gland becomes inflamed and can lead to reduced appetite, belly pain, and vomiting.

Pancreatitis has been linked to rich or fatty food, so these are best avoided. Even if your cat doesn’t develop pancreatitis from eating French fries, the fat could still upset their digestive tract and give them an upset stomach.

So, what if your cat pinches French fries all the time, and they seem fine? Even if your cat is lucky enough not to get a stomach upset from French fries, the high numbers of calories, fat, and carbs mean they’re likely to gain weight. Podgy pets might seem cute, but obesity can lead to health problems like diabetes and heart disease and could make stiff joints more painful.

The high salt levels in French fries could cause salt poisoning if large numbers are consumed. However, high sodium can also lead to heart disease and high blood pressure. Aside from salt, other seasonings, toppings, and sauces like crispy onions or onion powder, ketchup, mayonnaise, and barbecue sauce could upset your cat’s digestive system or even cause toxicity.

It’s unlikely that underripe potatoes would be used for French fries accidentally, but it’s important to remember that green or unripe potatoes contain solanine, which is toxic to cats. Raw potatoes can also be a choking hazard for your furry friend.


It might seem like common sense not to feed your cat fatty foods like French fries. But, it’s easy to feel tempted when you’re tucking into something tasty, and your cat is begging around your feet. Stay strong, though! Feeding your cat French fries isn’t good for their health, so you’re doing the best thing in the long run.

Also Read: Can Cats Eat Potatoes?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it OK to feed my cat French fries?

French fries aren't toxic to cats, so it shouldn't be life-threatening if your cat accidentally eats one. Monitor them closely for signs of being unwell, and speak to your veterinarian if you are concerned. However, you shouldn't knowingly feed your cat French fries since they are a very unhealthy snack that could upset their gut or cause more serious problems.

Can pets eat French fries?

Pets shouldn’t eat French fries because they’re high in fat and salt. It's not just the risks of gastrointestinal symptoms. Your pet could also put on weight, and obesity can cause serious health risks.

Can cats eat Mcdonald’s?

Cats shouldn’t eat Mcdonald’s, or any other type of junk food. These foods tend to be unhealthy and high in fat and salt. Therefore, if you’re looking for some tasty human food for your purrfect pal, why not choose some grilled chicken, turkey, or white fish.

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About Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, MRCVS

Dr. Woodnutt is a small animal veterinarian and cat behavior and nutrition writer. She's passionate about helping owners to learn more about their pets in order to improve animal welfare. In her spare time, Dr. Woodnutt takes consultations on the small island of Guernsey.