12 Amazing Facts About Cats Every Cat Owner Should Know

Aren’t cats just adorable? No wonder they are the second most popular pets in America after fish. There are about 88.3 million domesticated cats in the US, and while we love our dogs, cats are just- well fun to have around.

But if you’re a cat owner, you also know that cats are mysterious. For instance, it may escape you why your cat loves boxes so much or why your furball is constantly rubbing against your leg in the morning.

If you’re intrigued by all the things your feline does, maybe we can shed some light on some of them. So, here are our 12 interesting cat facts that may just help you understand your feline better.

1. Your Cat’s Slow Blink Is a Signal of Love

cat slow blinking

When your furbaby greets you with a slow, languid blink, it means they love and trust you completely. So, next time your feline gives you that slow blink tries and reciprocate.

2. Your Furball Loves To Hide in Cardboard Boxes for Several Reasons

cat inside the cardboard

  • Boxes are a source of comfort and security
  • Boxes also help reduce stress as a cat’s reaction to stress is to run and hide
  • Boxes are perfect hiding places as predators can’t sneak up on your feline from the side or back
  • Cardboard boxes are also warm as they trap your feline’s body heat
  • Boxes also provide the perfect place for your cat to stalk their prey

3. Your Feline Rubs or Headbutts You Because They Love You

owner petting cat

Your kitty loves to rub around your legs and pushes her head against you as a show of affection. The cat uses this behavior to mark you with her unique scent like she would another cat. It’s also a form of greeting, and since she can’t hug you on the face, she conveniently uses your legs.

4. Your Cat Doesn’t Chew Her Food

two cats eating wet cat food

Cats are obligate carnivorous, and their teeth are specifically designed to tear off pieces of meat but not to chew them.

Since your feline swallow their food whole, always ensures you give them foods that are small enough to swallow.

5. Your Kitty Licks You Too

cat licking a man hands

  • Show affection
  • Create a bond with you
  • Groom you
  • Let other animals know that you belong to them
  • Taste the salty residue on your skin
  • Get your attention

6. Your Cat’s Meow Is Her Way of Communicating With You

cat sleeping on floor

Kittens may meow to get their mother’s attention, but they rarely meow to one another once they get older. However, they continue to meow to humans as a way of talking to them.

7. Do Cats Dream Like Humans?

cat sleeping well on a cat bed

If you have ever watched your furball sleeping, you may have noticed them twitching, making sounds, or their eyes moving in different directions.

Like us, cats have rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is when their dreaming happens. So, yes, cats just like humans, do dream when in a deep sleep.

8. Don’t Expect Your Feline To Learn Through Punishment

cat curiously looking at the camera

Cats, unlike humans, don’t understand punishment. To cats, discipline isn’t synonymous with punishment, and they can’t associate their behavior to your reaction.

Therefore, if you want to discipline your cat, reinforce their positive behavior or use deterrents.

9. Why Do Cats Purr?

two cats playing

Cats purr when:

  • They are relaxed to send waves of calmness
  • To communicate their needs
  • Mother cats purr to soothe their kittens to sleep
  • When they are in pain, cats purr to feel better, just like a toddler will suck their thumb as a form of relief

10. Cats Have a Better Sense of Smell Than Humans

cat smelling human things

Your furbaby has a better sense of smell than you. She can also discern different scents better than your dog. In fact, cats know their favorite treats by smelling rather than tasting them. Unfortunately, due to their incredible sense of smell, cats can also be sensitive to some fragrances we use around our homes.

11. Your Cat Can’t Taste Sweet Things

cat sticking out tongue

Unlike their sense of smell, your cat’s sense of taste is extremely weak as she doesn’t have the sweet receptor. Even if your feline seems attracted to sweet treats, they are likely just interested in the food’s texture or smell but not to its taste.

12. Cat Low Purrs Helps Them Heal Faster and Eases Their Pain

owner cat cuddling

Your feline’s low-frequency purrs cause their body to vibrate, leading to the repair of damaged tendons. These purrs also ease their breathing, reduce swelling and pain, and heals your cat’s wounds. This is probably why cats can withstand high falls and suffer from fewer after-surgery complications than other pets.