Mickey the Magician_ A Tiny Cat with a Big Heart

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Houdini Cat

Cats are well known for being elusive creatures but Mickey takes this stereotype to the next level! Often Houndining himself out of his diapers and leaving a trail for Mom to find him.

The Diaper Houdini

Mickey loves to get himself into trouble and has mastered the art of Houdini-like escapes from his diaper. His Mo, Tara, often finds his diaper in the most bizarre places and then sees Mickey proudly showing off his naked bum. “He literally does this little pop-up with his back end to show me, ‘Oh, hey, look, I got a naked bum.’ Now try to find my diaper,” she recalls with a laugh.

Once, she spent a week searching for his diaper, only to find it hidden under her bed. Recently, Mickey even managed to open a door on his own. “I don’t know how he did it. I was outside, and I thought the door was closed. I heard the meow, and I turned around, and there’s Mickey, and my door is wide open,” she marvels. He truly is a little magician!

Mickey is a special needs cat, who has Manx Syndrome, similar to spina bifida in humans. Despite this, his mobility is great and he’s super quick at getting around the house. His back legs might be a bit wonky, but his front legs are incredibly strong, allowing him to climb almost anything and keep up with the best of them. This condition also requires Mickey to have his bladder expressed and to wear a diaper, much to his dismay. But now he’s figured out a way to get out of his diapers and play tricks on his Mom!


Mickey’s Backstory

Mom Tara first spotted Mickey on an Instagram page dedicated to special needs cats. “He was so tiny and scooting and playing. He looked like a little devil. I thought he would be a perfect fit,” she remembers. The only problem was that Mickey was in Virginia, and she was in Canada. Despite the distance, she sent in an application and got approved.

A volunteer flight attendant flew Mickey to Toronto, and she went to the airport to pick him up. “I opened the bag, and he just popped his head right up and was like, ‘Hey, all right, I’m home,” she recalls. His immediate curiosity and vibrant personality told her he was going to be a handful.

Mickey and Mira

Mickey and Mira

Mickey was brought home with the hope that he would be a perfect companion for Mira, another special needs cat with severe cerebellar hypoplasia. “I thought instantly he was going to get her active, get her moving and happy, and give her somebody to play with,” she says. To her delight, Mickey and Mira became best friends from day one.

Mickey has changed his owner’s life in countless ways. Although he appears to be a fierce little creature, he is incredibly gentle, loving, and very much a mama’s boy. “When times get tough and I feel angry at something, I look at him, and he looks at me with those big eyes, and he’ll come over and rub up against me,” she shares.

Mickey’s affectionate gestures remind her to calm down and appreciate the joy around her, especially her animals. Mickey’s presence has been great for all her pets—they all adore him.

Mickey and Mira are best friend

“There is nothing like special needs cats. They are the best. They take a little bit of extra time, but the love that that animal can bring is extraordinary,” she says. Mickey has inspired her with his ability to thrive despite his challenges. Special needs animals, she believes, offer a unique and deeper connection.

“The joy and just to watch them thrive and see what they can do gives you inspiration. I think a lot of people need some inspiration in their lives,” she reflects.
Mickey’s story is a testament to the incredible bond that can form with special needs animals and the profound impact they can have on our lives. “It’s amazing what they can do and what they can teach us,” she concludes, grateful for every moment with her mischievous, magical ninja cat.

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