7 Signs Your Cat Is Not Getting Enough Love

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Despite the common misconception that cats are aloof and antisocial, this could not be any further from the truth. Cats crave interaction with both the pets and the people in their homes, and when your cat isn’t getting enough love, there are signs they will display that serve as cries for help.

Your cat needs you to give them love—even if it’s on their terms most of the time. If you’re curious to know the signs your cat is not getting enough love, just keep reading.

1. Cats Who Are Not Getting Enough Love Can Cry Out At Night

signs your cat is not getting enough love

Even though cats are considered by many as stoic beings, this doesn’t mean that they won’t cry out for help—literally.

Even though cats are considered by many as stoic beings, this doesn’t mean that they won’t cry out for help—literally. One of the telltale signs that your cat is not getting enough love is that they will cry out at night in their homes.

Cats will do this as a sign of distress, and it’s their way of telling you that they are lonely and don’t feel appreciated. If your cat is yowling, however, this is entirely different. Yowling in an altered cat is a classic call for help, and they should be seen by a pet health professional ASAP.

2. You’re Neglecting His/Her Medical Care

Remember, the proper care that you give to your cat is your best chance of allowing the two of you to live a long and happy nine lives together.

If your cat’s health is falling by the wayside, this can also be a sign that your cat is not getting enough love. While cats are generally healthy for the most part, this doesn’t mean you can forgo their veterinary visits and cat insurance. This is especially true when it comes to senior cats who should see the vet 2x a year instead of just annually.

Your cat needs you to be their health advocate, so it’s important that you show them you love them by caring for them by way of veterinary visits, dental care, and flea and tick prevention. Remember, the proper care that you give to your cat is your best chance of allowing the two of you to live a long and happy nine lives together.

3. Your Cat Is Often Found Lying On Your Laptop

signs your cat is not getting enough love

Make the time for your kitty, and use your screen breaks to engage with them and make them feel special.

If you’re a person that works from home, then chances are that you spend a fair share of your time on the computer/laptop. If your cat is often found lying on your laptop or keyboard, they aren’t just doing this for warmth—they’re doing this because they are lonely and want your love and undivided attention.

Your cat is smart, and they will often gravitate toward things that remind them of you, which is often why you will find them lying on your favorite sweater or why they steal your seat when you get up. Make the time for your kitty, and use your screen breaks to engage with them and make them feel special.

4. Your Cat Is Constantly Nudging You For Your Undivided Attention

If you find that your cat is constantly pawing or nudging at you to get your attention, this is a clear indication that they aren’t receiving the attention that they deserve.

Cats are not shy when it comes to things that they want, and your attention is no different. While a dog might sit and stare at you and wait patiently for you to bestow affection onto them, your cat isn’t going to be shy about making the first move.

If you find that your cat is constantly pawing or nudging at you to get your attention, this is a clear indication that they aren’t receiving the attention that they deserve. Many people will adopt cats figuring that the cat will be aloof and not require too much, but this does a cat great injustice.

Cats love attention—even if it’s on their terms, and they crave stimulation and enrichment, too. Indoor cats can become bored easily, so they depend on you to offer them the attention they need.

5. A Once Good Kitty Could Become Destructive If They’re Not Getting Enough Love

If your once well-behaved kitty has started wreaking havoc on your home, consider their current lifestyle.

Our cats can be like our kids sometimes, and sometimes, those kitty kids will act up as a cry for help. If your once well-behaved kitty has started wreaking havoc on your home, consider their current lifestyle.

Are you tied up working more, or are you spending more time away from home? If this is the case, your cat is taking notice and is likely exhibiting destructive behavior as a sign. Your cat requires love, affection, and attention, and if they are falling short of receiving what they need from you, they can act out because of it.

Often, cats feeling lonely will act out by scratching surfaces where they aren’t supposed to or even eliminating outside of the litter box.

6. Your Cat Is Always Waiting By The Door

If you find that your cat is always waiting for you by the door when you arrive back, this is a clear sign that they missed having you around.

When you leave your home, your cat is aware of the fact that your presence is no longer present. If you find that your cat is always waiting for you by the door when you arrive back, this is a clear sign that they missed having you around.

Your lonely kitty might wait by the door for you because they want to be the first thing that you see when you walk through the door. That way they can get your undivided attention. We all have to go to work to give our cats their best life, but be sure to make the effort to spend quality time with your kitty, who missed you while you were away.

7. Your Once Sweet Kitty Is Suddenly Grouchy, Mean, Or Aggressive

signs your cat is not getting enough love

If your once sweetheart of a cat is suddenly grouchy, mean, or even aggressive, this can also be a sign your cat isn’t getting enough love.

Cats take things very personally, and they can have their feelings hurt. Like humans, when a cat’s feelings are hurt, they might have a change in their attitude. They aren’t doing this out of spite, but rather because they do not like the changes that are happening in their life that are beyond their control. If your once sweetheart of a cat is suddenly grouchy, mean, or even aggressive, this can also be a sign your cat isn’t getting enough love.

If you know that you’ve been spending more time away or are wrapped up doing other things when you are spending time at home, consider your cat’s feelings. This is your cat’s way of telling you that they need you and that receiving attention is important to them. And, most of all, they don’t want to be placed on the back burner of your list of priorities.

Your cat is special and deserves to be made a high priority in your life. If you can, think of ways to incorporate them into your activities. Chances are, your coworkers won’t mind seeing a cute kitty on those Zoom calls!

There are many signs which are important to know about when it comes to our feline friends. Check out this next article on Cats.com to learn the signs that your cat trusts you.

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